Monday, October 6, 2008

Flock this!


The Flock browser comes with a Blog Editor tab.

This is going to be interesting.

Anyway, the Fringe festival is going swimmingly. I say swimmingly because I have a terrible cold and feel as though I am permanently immersed in potato and leek soup.

The part of the show that I have invested in emotionally, the lame bastard child of Daft Punk and Spinal Tap, those crazy sega-band rocksters Press Play, has still not performed a full show, hampered as we are by poor organisation, technical problems and conflicting schedules, as well as a supremely vague mission statement and an absence of goal-orientation and regular status reports. Perhaps an ad-hoc committee to address the difficulties of implementing a comprehensive documentation standard is in order. Or maybe we'll just fumble along as we go again.

Anyway, it's looking like being the chip-show on Wednesday and Thursday, and hopefully now that the MDJam is in its' most complete incarnation so far, we'll be able to rehearse more during the holidays and get some actual band-style shows instead of art-style shows.

With a soundcheck.

Anyhow, time for a stiff scotch and a vicodin cup of tea and a multivitamin.
Bedtime now.
    Yours in sickness and in health, but mostly sickness,    
    The Poe.    
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DoshWolves and Wishes
Whitley(self-titled EP)
Claire BlowditchBetween the Tea and Toast

Oh, me?

My photo
Floating, in the air.
I am flicking rubber bands in the face of adversity, mental illness and 3rd-world debt. I carry a gun that fires hugs, so don't be stepping unless you want some warm fuzzy.