Friday, December 14, 2007


I've been clocked!

Apparently my internet has been giving me trouble, or so accords my guru with regards to such things. Anyhow, I was going about my way, in the bicycle lane of the information superhighway, when I was clocked by a flash applet. It wrote me a ticket which appeared thus:

It appears I was moving slowly in America, which evidently is a ticketable offence. Anyhow, I appear to have wangled my way out of a fine, which is nice for me. But, it made me curious as to my connection's latency upon roads closer to home, so I booked in for a speed test, the results of which are shown below.

[`[*Test Results from Oz Broadband Speed Test*]`]

Mirror: [*OptusNet*]
Data: [*70 KB*]

Test Time: [*0.34 secs*]
Test run on [*15/12/2007*] @ [*02:46 PM*]

Your line speed is [*1.67 Mbps*] (1673 kbps).
Your download speed is [*209 KB/s*] (0.2 MB/s).

Lovely, eh?

Anyhow, once I sort out my problems with the internets, I will be able to get back to my search.

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DoshWolves and Wishes
Whitley(self-titled EP)
Claire BlowditchBetween the Tea and Toast

Oh, me?

My photo
Floating, in the air.
I am flicking rubber bands in the face of adversity, mental illness and 3rd-world debt. I carry a gun that fires hugs, so don't be stepping unless you want some warm fuzzy.