Saturday, December 29, 2007

A change in direction.


Insomnia Comics

QUOTE:PoeBicycle @ Mon Dec 17, 2007, 3:10 AM
"I'm Poe and this is my Deviant Art page thing bloke.

Yeah. I'm an insomniac who has strange whimsical ideas, and when I can be bothered I draw them down using a horrible applet, with a mouse, on my home computer, in my room, next to my bed.

People (i.e. my sister) seem to like them, so I thought I'd start putting the more memorable ones up here.

Besides, it'll give me something else to do at night."

Okay, I'm putting the comics here as well, so people who aren't web2.0 compatible can look at them. My search for the mysteries of the great Edgar Allen Poe will have to wait a little longer yet.

Friday, December 14, 2007


I've been clocked!

Apparently my internet has been giving me trouble, or so accords my guru with regards to such things. Anyhow, I was going about my way, in the bicycle lane of the information superhighway, when I was clocked by a flash applet. It wrote me a ticket which appeared thus:

It appears I was moving slowly in America, which evidently is a ticketable offence. Anyhow, I appear to have wangled my way out of a fine, which is nice for me. But, it made me curious as to my connection's latency upon roads closer to home, so I booked in for a speed test, the results of which are shown below.

[`[*Test Results from Oz Broadband Speed Test*]`]

Mirror: [*OptusNet*]
Data: [*70 KB*]

Test Time: [*0.34 secs*]
Test run on [*15/12/2007*] @ [*02:46 PM*]

Your line speed is [*1.67 Mbps*] (1673 kbps).
Your download speed is [*209 KB/s*] (0.2 MB/s).

Lovely, eh?

Anyhow, once I sort out my problems with the internets, I will be able to get back to my search.
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DoshWolves and Wishes
Whitley(self-titled EP)
Claire BlowditchBetween the Tea and Toast

Oh, me?

My photo
Floating, in the air.
I am flicking rubber bands in the face of adversity, mental illness and 3rd-world debt. I carry a gun that fires hugs, so don't be stepping unless you want some warm fuzzy.