People have been making the choice to die since jump, just ask Kurt Cobain. Often it is a shock, seen as a selfish, cowardly or desperate act. The difficulties arise when those people who would ask to end their own lives first ask for the blessing of those around them, attempting to create a dialogue informing a concept that seems, at first glance, indefensible; would it be okay if I ended my life?
With regards to the adolescent jumper, pilltosser or vein-dumper, suffering in silence then vanishing in a blaze, it is almost seen as an unavoidable loss, like every so often there's an egg in the carton on the shelf in the supermarket that's broken before you even pick up the package. But when considering those with the wisdom of ages, old enough to know better, who've lived life and can look back, who want to make a similar choice, we are aghast, shocked and dismayed that such a thing could even happen.
Surely, callous a out sounds, we've got it backwards. It should be the other way around. Euthanasia should be one of those things that is sad, upsetting and makes us shake our heads at what the world has come to, hard on those left behind, maybe a little selfish, but there you have it, while the deliberate death decisions of the young should fuel debate, polarise and consternate, stop the world each time it happens.
Those who know enough to know they know enough should be allowed to make their peace the way they want to, while those who know that all they know is all there is to know should be watched and cared for until they see what knowing is actually about, and can make a decision based on experience.
The Poe Bicycle Conspiracy
Friday, November 18, 2011
A tired rant on the right to live or die as we choose, and how we choose how we choose.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
This is a black day for me.
four-and-change minutes later
I've just collected 464 stars in nyancat game!So much for that change of pace.
That having been said it was still more pleasant than Chadstone.
I think I'll go download that other Nyancat app, the one where you just stare at it, gaining more points the longer you tolerate the constant noise gnawing at mind and eardrums, the colourful assault on your eyeballs and the brain-numbing self-imposed inactivity.
That's more the change of pace I was looking for. So much more peaceful than that horrible place.
Ah. That's better.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Filesharing? Soul-baring?
Just finished reading a big ol' stack of eMails that I found on isoHunt regarding a band (/design company/author/I don't know what) and their struggle against piracy.
2. The presentation of material was inevitably geared towards the torrent index website man's side, because he was the one doing all the stockpiling.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Flock this!
Wow. The Flock browser comes with a Blog Editor tab. This is going to be interesting. |
The part of the show that I have invested in emotionally, the lame bastard child of Daft Punk and Spinal Tap, those crazy sega-band rocksters Press Play, has still not performed a full show, hampered as we are by poor organisation, technical problems and conflicting schedules, as well as a supremely vague mission statement and an absence of goal-orientation and regular status reports. Perhaps an ad-hoc committee to address the difficulties of implementing a comprehensive documentation standard is in order. Or maybe we'll just fumble along as we go again. |
Anyway, it's looking like being the chip-show on Wednesday and Thursday, and hopefully now that the MDJam is in its' most complete incarnation so far, we'll be able to rehearse more during the holidays and get some actual band-style shows instead of art-style shows.
Anyhow, time for a |
Bedtime now. |
Thursday, July 31, 2008
All the cool kids want flowers and clouds.
Wow, two posts in one day.
That's got to be some kind of a record.
Actually two posts in the same month is a record for me.Okay, there is actually a reason I simply MUST post, I'm not just doing it for the sake of doing it. One of my units, Network Arts has rekindled my enthusiasm for the pretty side of the internet. While browsing Tale of Tales, an offshoot game design company, consisting of prominent net.artists Michaƫl Samyn and Aureia Harvey, I found one of those things that makes me decide I like computer games again.
That thing was Flower.
You play as the wind. Cool, huh? Kinda reminds me of another game that made me feel like being a nerd wasn't such a bad thing, Cloud. If people can continue to make, like, play and propagate games like this, I will go from [=\] to [^^'].
If anyone wants me I'll be playing The Endless Forest.
Google, Apple, Stalin and my mobile phone.
DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know. I'm on a google-run blog. What can I say? I'm a communist. I love free stuff that works most of the time. Who cares about my privacy? |
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Now I dont' normally do this but...
This has got to stop!
Corey Worthington has gone too far.
This 'man' is a menace to everything. Aside from photoshopping away his acne, he has released a terrible song and should feel terrible. It is so terrible in fact that I am not even going to link to it, as it will only perpetrate the madness. More ranting after the jump.
Now I must admit to being guilty on occasion of using the word 'fresh' in a context different from its' intended usage, particularly with reference to certain aspects of certain musical compositions. I am however, very discerning of said usage, bestowing the title upon only the most worthy tracks. I would consider myself a connoisseur of the word 'fresh' whereupon it applies to music and I must hereby lodge my protest at this irresponsible, near criminal misuse of this particular plaudit.
Novel? Yes. Fresh? Most definitely not.
Blog Archive
Artist | Album |
Why? | Alopecia |
Dosh | Wolves and Wishes |
Whitley | (self-titled EP) |
Claire Blowditch | Between the Tea and Toast |
Oh, me?

- I'm Poe Bicycle.
- Floating, in the air.
- I am flicking rubber bands in the face of adversity, mental illness and 3rd-world debt. I carry a gun that fires hugs, so don't be stepping unless you want some warm fuzzy.